Nasal Congestion & Stuffy Nose
Why do you have a stuffy nose?
What Causes Nasal Congestion or a Stuffy Nose?
There are two main causes of nasal congestion and obstruction, anatomic and functional.
The Most Common Anatomic Nasal Obstructions
The Most Common Functional Nasal Obstructions
Swelling of the Nasal Lining
Acute or chronic sinusitis, colds, the flu or environmental allergies can trigger swelling of the nasal lining. No matter what causes the swelling, your airway becomes smaller and smaller as the swelling increases. This causes the feeling of a stuffy nose.
Sidewall Floppiness
Floppiness of the nasal sidewalls or Nasal Valve Stenosis is a common problem. Sometimes the nasal sidewalls don’t have the strength to remain open when we take a full breath. Think about trying to breathe through a straw made of cloth rather than plastic.
Dr. Cilento pioneered methods of determining if Nasal Valve Stenosis is present. He also pioneered the latest ways of fixing simple to complex versions of this common problem.

What are some temporary treatments for nasal congestion relief?

Treatments for nasal congestion or a stuffy nose can vary depending on the cause. However, there are some ways you can help temporarily reduce the pressure you feel in your nose.
Keep Your Nasal Passages Moist
- Hydrate yourself, especially in Houston. Drinking at least 2-4 quarts of water a day will help keep the mucus thin and functioning maximally.
- Practice nasal rinses with nasal saline. (View our instructional video here)
- Use a humidifier
- Take a warm shower and breathe in the steam
- Use nasal saline spray
Over The Counter Medicines
- Decongestants help reduce the swelling in your nasal passages. However, prolonged use can cause blood pressure problems.
- Antihistamines help if allergies are the culprit behind your nasal congestion. Getting allergies checked and treated is an easy and important way to check and correct allergic causes of nasal congestion. You can have allergy tests done right in our office.
- Pain relievers help relieve the pain associated with the swelling in your nose
How to get rid of nasal congestion for good?
Follow the links below to learn more about any of the procedures that may help with nasal congestion.

Turbinate Reduction
What are the effects of prolonged nasal congestion?
Most people prefer to breathe out of their nose. When you can’t breathe normal because your nose feels stuffy and swollen it is irritating. But there are more complications than irritation.
Bad Breath & Tooth Decay
Breathing through the mouth exclusively can cause chronic bad breath known as halitosis. It also causes tooth decay due to hindrance of the natural protection of saliva.
Dizziness & Hearing Loss
Nasal congestion can cause dizziness and interfere with hearing. Your sinuses are all connected so the pressure in your nose, can affect the pressure in your ears. This can cause them to feel muffled as well as cause dizziness.
Sore Throat & Loss of Voice
Its can also affect your throat and voice. Your nose makes more mucus to help clear out your offended and swollen nasal passages. That mucus can start to run down the back of your throat. We call this post nasal drip. It can cause sore throat, cough, hoarseness and even loss of your voice.
Snoring & Sleep Interruption
It can also affect your sleep. When you can’t breathe out of your nose you are forced to breathe out of your mouth. This can cause snoring and can be a big problem for those with sleep apnea. Snoring can also keep your partner awake.
Feeding Issues for Infants
For infants nasal congestion can be a big problem as it can interfere with feeding.
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