Does Balloon Sinuplasty Alleviate Snoring?

Woman with chronic sinusitis headache.

I created Texas Sinus and Snoring to help bring state of the art technology to bear on the snoring problems of sinusitis and snoring. I recognized years ago that there is a direct connection between nasal obstruction and the development of snoring and sleep apnea.

More importantly, there is a fundamental need for an open nasal airway and the cures available for sleep apnea. Snoring is a common sleep-related issue that can impact both the individual snorer and their sleep partner.

In the United States, 40% of the population snores. That means millions of people experience snoring, with varying degrees of severity. It is important to remember that an equal number of sleep partners are being deprived of a good nights sleep by their partners snoring as well.

Nasal obstruction is a significant contributor to snoring, affecting the quality of sleep and overall well-being. If you follow this line of logic, then let’s take it a step further and remember that chronic sinusitis, a condition characterized by inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, can exacerbate nasal obstruction, leading to increased snoring episodes.

When I started my career in medicine 30 years ago, the only alternative left after antibiotics have failed to cure chronic sinusitis was an extensive surgery known as functional endoscopic sinus surgery or FESS.

This procedure has come a long way since those early days but still requires a long healing time and some potentially serious complications.

In 2007, the idea of introducing a balloon into blocked sinuses and dilating these openings without cutting was introduced. This was known as balloon sinuplasty.

Balloon sinuplasty, a minimally invasive procedure known for its effectiveness in treating chronic sinusitis, presented a potential solution to address nasal obstruction and its association with snoring.

My blog today will delve into the prevalence of snoring in the USA, the role of nasal obstruction in snoring, the impact of sinusitis on nasal obstruction, and the potential of balloon sinuplasty to alleviate snoring by addressing underlying sinus issues.

Prevalence of Snoring in the USA:

Snoring is a widespread phenomenon in the United States, affecting individuals across different age groups and demographics.

According to recent studies, approximately 40% of adult men and 24% of adult women are habitual snorers. Snoring can range from mild to severe, with implications for sleep quality, daytime function, and overall health.

Factors such as nasal congestion, anatomical obstructions, and underlying medical conditions can contribute to the development and persistence of snoring in individuals.

Man snoring and woman covering her ears.

Role of Nasal Obstruction in Snoring:

Nasal obstruction plays a crucial role in the generation and exacerbation of snoring.

When the nasal passages are partially blocked or congested, airflow through the nose becomes turbulent, leading to vibrations of the soft tissues in the throat during breathing. This turbulent airflow creates the characteristic sound of snoring.

Conditions such as allergies, deviated septum and chronic sinusitis can all contribute to nasal obstruction, increasing the likelihood of snoring episodes during sleep.

Effect of Sinusitis on Nasal Obstruction:

Chronic sinusitis, a prevalent condition characterized by persistent inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, can significantly impact nasal obstruction and exacerbate snoring.

The tough part of this is that the main symptoms of chronic sinusitis are similar to allergies and allergic rhinitis. Without a sinus CT and a nasal endoscopy there is no way to tell the difference and in fact many patients are misdiagnosed as having allergies when in fact it is a chronic sinusitis.

The presence of inflamed sinus tissues can lead to nasal congestion, blockage of the sinus openings, and impaired mucociliary clearance, all of which contribute to nasal airflow disruptions.

Patients with chronic sinusitis may experience frequent snoring due to the compromised nasal function resulting from sinus inflammation.

Part of the problem is that, unlike acute sinusitis which is accompanied by fever and aches and pains, chronic sinusitis does not have a fever or other symptoms denoting an illness.

Balloon Sinuplasty and its Efficacy in Treating Chronic Sinusitis:

Balloon sinuplasty has emerged as a highly effective and minimally invasive treatment option for chronic sinusitis, offering relief to patients with sinus-related symptoms such as nasal congestion, facial pressure, and headache.

The procedure involves the use of a small, flexible balloon catheter that is inserted into the blocked sinus cavity and gently inflated to widen the sinus passageways. At Texas Sinus and Snoring we use a revolutionary system by Fiagon/Hemostasis company known as 4D sinuplasty that has changed in office procedure forever. 4D sinuplasty uses the most advanced navigation techniques in a simple to use “out-of-the-box” plug and play format making it by far the most advanced and efficient way for the average ENT to get safe and consistent results with every patient every time.

By dilating the sinus openings, without the need for tissue removal or cutting, balloon sinuplasty preserves the natural anatomy of the sinuses and promotes improved airflow and drainage. In my hands, it is a 10-minute procedure under IV sedation for ultimate comfort and ease with excellent results every time.

Happy couple with snoring handled.

Benefits of Balloon Sinuplasty for Alleviating Snoring:

Studies have demonstrated that balloon sinuplasty can have a profound impact on alleviating snoring associated with chronic sinusitis and nasal obstruction. With a high success rate of up to 95% in curing chronic sinusitis, balloon sinuplasty offers a minimally invasive approach to addressing underlying sinus issues that contribute to snoring.

Importantly, balloon sinuplasty is performed without cutting or tissue removal, resulting in minimal downtime for patients and long-lasting results.

By improving sinus ventilation and reducing nasal congestion, balloon sinuplasty can help mitigate snoring episodes and enhance sleep quality for individuals suffering from sinus-related breathing disturbances.


In conclusion, snoring is a prevalent sleep-related issue that can be exacerbated by nasal obstruction, including that caused by chronic sinusitis.

Balloon sinuplasty, a minimally invasive procedure with a high cure rate for chronic sinusitis, presents a promising avenue for addressing nasal obstruction and its association with snoring.

By improving sinus ventilation and reducing nasal congestion, balloon sinuplasty may offer relief to individuals experiencing snoring due to sinus-related issues.

As a safe and effective treatment option that preserves the natural anatomy of the sinuses and offers lasting results, balloon sinuplasty holds potential in alleviating snoring and improving overall sleep quality for affected individuals.

At Texas Sinus and Snoring we get the best and most consistent results with our 4D sinuplasty system and my 30 years of medical experience. Come see me and let me see what I can do for you.