Dr. Cilento Performs 100th Inspire for Sleep Apnea Procedure

We Texas Sinus and Snoring are excited to announce Dr. Cilento performed his 100th Inspire for sleep apnea implant procedure this week!
Dr. Cilento is already an Inspire Physician of Excellence. 100 Inspire procedures means we've helped 100 patients cut the CPAP hose.
When asked about Inspire therapy, Dr. Cilento said, “Because sleep apnea is a progressive neuromuscular disorder, and Inspire is a programmable device, patients can use it for the rest of their lives, prolonging life while keeping up with the progressive nature of the disease. My favorite part of offering Inspire to my patients is that it works”.
Inspire works inside the patient's body while they sleep. Dr. Cilento performs a simple outpatient procedure to implant the device. When the patient is ready for bed, they click the remote and turn Inspire on. A gentile pulse opens their airway while they are asleep. This allows them to breathe normally.
If you or someone you know struggles with CPAP for treatment of obstructive sleep apnea, call us and we can help you find out if Inspire is right for you!