Exploring the Link Between Sinus/Nasal Issues and Headaches

Young woman experiencing stress headache.

I will dig into the major causes of headaches in the U.S., discuss different types of headaches and their prevalence, explore the concept of sinus variant migraine, and examine the etiology and incidence of sinusitis, chronic sinusitis, acute sinusitis, and acute on chronic sinusitis. I will also investigate the association between sinus issues and headaches, including Sinus Headaches, Sluder’s Syndrome, and the role of a deviated septum in headache development.

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Can My Nasal Stuffiness be Contributing to My Sinusitis?

Lady with sinusitis and nasal stuffiness

This blog will explore the relationship between nasal stuffiness and sinusitis, the use of medications as the primary treatment option, the minimally invasive procedure known as balloon sinuplasty, and the surgical options of Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) and septoplasty to address sinusitis effectively.

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7 Common Signs of a Deviated Septum You Shouldn’t Ignore

Signs of a Deviated Septum

Do you know what a deviated septum looks like, or how you can identify one? It is a common nasal abnormality that can have disruptive outcomes on your daily functioning. Let us learn the 7 highly observed symptoms of deviated septum and their consequences to increase awareness and be vigilant about your health.  Difficulty Breathing…

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6 Things to Expect During and After Nasal Valve Surgery

During and After Nasal Valve Surgery

When people think about getting surgery for their nose, it is typically assumed to be for aesthetic alterations. However, some nasal surgeries aim to enhance the quality of your respiratory functions. One such procedure is that of the nasal valve surgery. This blog is dedicated to help you understand what it is, and what happens…

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9 Simple Steps for Post-Balloon Sinuplasty Wellness

Balloon sinuplasty is a non-invasive surgical procedure performed to remove blocked sinuses. In comparison to other nasal surgeries, a balloon sinuplasty has a very straightforward process with little to no severe complications. However, one must still be careful while recovering from the procedure. We will discuss the top 9 post-op balloon sinuplasty care tips that…

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